Hello, iam James Osborn, I hope your day is as beautiful as your smile.
Is It Pronounced Ark Or Arch? [Solved]
The prefix arch- meaning the head, chief, principal, or high something, is always pronounced /artʃ/ save in archangel alone. The other words that have a /k/ there (like architecture and archipelago and archaeologist) are not created with the prefix arch-.13 Aug 2014
We Play – Warframe – Kurt’s POV Is it Pronounced ARK or ARCH
In this episode, Nick and Kurt fly off into space to tackle Ogma Elite interception mission! (After the recording of this video, the guys …
How to Pronounce Arc de Triomphe? (CORRECTLY) French & English Pronunciation
What is the
arc’teryx on me no we don’t rock no patagonia
lyrics: [Intro] Tola, you make this music and now all these boys think they can rap too, and they can’t