Hello, iam Leann Friedly, Today will be the best!
How Do You Fix Inner Ear Dizziness? [Solved]
The canalith repositioning procedure can treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), which causes dizziness when you move your head. The procedure includes head positions that move the canalith particles (otoconia) in the inner ear that cause the dizziness to a part of the ear where they won’t (the utricle).
Treating BPPV: The Epley Manuever - Boys Town National Research Hospital
Benign Paroxysmal Positional
Inner Ear Balance Home Exercises to Treat Dizziness
This video demonstrates 10 exercises that can be performed at home in order to challenge and slowly strengthen the
Carol Foster, MD Vertigo Treatment Oct 11
Video provided by the University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus Visit our YouTube channel: …